Fruit Machine LED Matrix

So I ordered one of these displays after talking to my Scottish friend Delta. It is the thing that actulay got us talking in the first place. It was the birth of a great friendship.

So I ordered it, put the Arduino on the breadboard to his spesifications & dumped on the code he sent over to me onto said Arduino. It was esentaly a B/W bitmap converted to a C array.

I would later go on to modify the code to have nine frames of animation instead of five fames, though more efficient use of the arrays.

Due to the fact he made the code I am not at libraty to publish it.

The Cuppa Tea Time animation that Delta made.

The flashing CUNT animation that Delta made.

My five fram animation was the Happy Pride Moth Lion as it was near priide moth at the time. This also gave me an opertunity to familarise my self with how the code worked & more importantly how it pulled from the arrays. My lion does look more like a sheep though on the display.

Here is a gif of the animation I made of the display. The mods I made to the code was I notest the arrays of the original images were repeted at least twice. This was due to Delta just bashuing out the arrays into the forloop. While this worked it took up valuable RAM. The Arduino Nano only has about 2KB of RAM. So yiou are scraping for every bit in some cases.

The thing to do was were the arrays were repeted, instead of having the array defined again. I created golobal varible from the original definitions & the code used the varibles to point back to the original arrays that were defined at the begining. Threticly i should of been able to get 10 frames of animation, however for some reason there was some part of the code that was taking up those last few bytes I just could not removed without breaking the code.

The complete display running my modifyed code for nine frames of animation instead of five frames of animation. You can also see the pref board I put together to hold the Arduino.

The nice thing about this design is it's USB powered & can be easily programed with new aimations of one so desieres.

Also at the same time, althogh not worth making its own page for I got this I2C OLED display working on my Raspberry Pi Zero W.