Night Vision MK1

The tube was a pain to extract, as I had to depot the whole thing the original driver did not suvive. The voltage multiplier was salvagable, it just needed some minor rebuilding. I did some initial tests & got the rear screen to glow the beutiful green they are known for.

The tube was originaly attached though a fiber cluster to the die of a SONY CCD.

You can see the viewing side of the tube & also the CCFL driver that outputted about 1KV to the voltage multiplier which was hand soldered to gether. It would quite oftern spoark between the stages despite being encased in silicon glue.

I disabled the irus/shutter on a standard C mount CCTV camera lens. It was a buggered old lense so it was worth using for this purpus.

The night vision scope running, you can see the servear screen burn to the right of the image, made the tube pretty useless as a patrical night vision scope. I encased the tube in silicon, you can also see the screw ajustments to position to tube in the housing. As the housing was once a backing soda poy I had to paint it black inside. You can also see the rear eye cup. I also used two lenses for the eye pice as I did not have any lenses with enougth manification. The batterys were three 18650 cells in seriese to get a nominal voltage of about 12V.

Once completed. It worked as treat. It was not a very good night vision scope, but as a proof of consept it worked as it was diesigned. It was supose to demo I could build a night vision scope at home.