ROM Dumps

Arcade Boards

The ROMs for my Arcade Boards. I currently have three in total.


AT10 Army 186 SBC

I still don't know what this is from, but I downloaded the ROM's anyway. The C program to merge the ROMs does not work. If you know someone who can fix it contact me.


Burrough CPU Card

What system this thing is from is a complete mystery, however I have been able to pull all the data from the ROM chips on the board. All 8 of them.


Commodore Plus 4 PLA

The PLA chips for the Commodore Plus 4/C16 are unobtainable, so here is the ROM file to upload to a 27C512 EPROM. So far from testing this is rock solid. I know the C64 has issues with using an EPROM as a PLA.


Husky Hunter Computers

Love my Husky Hunter computers, backed up all there ROM's as they are quite rare. These are all the ROM images I have pulled off of my machines. Has has the PC software & CF images of the FS3's

Husky Hunter Computers

IBM 5160 Mask Roms

I am currently restoring an IBM 5160 for LMNC. Turning out to be quite an complicated project.


L1A1 Fuze Setter Stuplus

Cool bit of army tech for programming the fuses on shells from the 80s, yep, bombs were computerized in the 80s.


Crappy LCD Terminal

This LCD terminal was not so crappy. I modded it with its own PSU & added a serial port so I can interface it with any RS232 serial port.

Its model number is: PV-DT51-5193 LCD Touch Screen Serial Terminal

Works a treat, EPROM dump here. As well as PowerShell script to use it.


SAIC PD-2i Dosimeter

Two really cool & small singal AA dosimeters, one has been modded to run on rechargeable battery's.


VeriFone ZON Jr XL

An old POS card machine from the 80s. These are quite interesting. One day want to build a custom OS for it as the card stuff is completely obserleet.


WD HDD Controler EPROM

Pulled the data off an old EPROM pulled from a WD MFM HDD control card.



Not sure what car I pull the ECU from as it was salvaged from an unknown car. Maybe a VW.
