Husky Computer Archive

List Of Husky Computers I Own:
DVW Micolectronics Husky (3)
Husky Hunter (3)
Husky Hunter 2 (2)
Husky Hawk (1)
Husky Hunter 16 (1)
Husky Hunter 16/80 (2)
Husky FS2 (3)
Husky FS3 (3)
Husky MP2500 (1)

The unofficil Husky Archive

As these computers are quite uncommon but historicly significat I am using this website & thus this page as a hub for all the info I have gathered in these machines over the years.

I link to download the ROMs & PC software can be found here: Software & ROMs

A link the the Husky Hunter manual can be found here: Husky Hunter Manual

Husky Hunter 2 user manual to come. (Still need to scan)

A comment stream on the EEVblog here (I have used as a tempory archive): Husky Hunter Computers (Rare & Obscure Computers)

Videos can be found here I have recored of the various models of Husky computers.

Some range from overviews to full technical videos, to just stupid stufff I have done.

ROM dumps of all the Huskys can be found here: Husky EPROM's

The first generation of truly portable computers & the birth of the laptop. These were originly relesed in 1981 although the units I have are from early to late 1982. I have one clivilan model & rwo army models. In this page I will go into all the details I have on these. Still trying to hunt down a manual for one. These machines are very rare, only a hand full of examples still exsist.

Probaly the machine I have the most information on. I have manuals for the Hunter & Hunter 2. I have used the machine a lot in uni just for funzys. They also used DEMOS a CP/M clone as their main OS which means it will run standard CP/M software. It even has a 80 colum display suport.

Basicly a cost reduced unrugidised Husky Hunter 2. There are some rugidised versions of the Hawk used in you guessed it, in the army. This one is sadly dead, I used the display to repair my Husky Hunter 16 as the Hunter 16 had been completly smashed. (Not sure what you have to put a Husky though to smash it)

These were the first Huskys to forgo the CP/M compaterble OS as in the 90s it was pretty much done. These Huskys run on MS DOS which was all the rage in the 90s & won out over CP/M in the profesional market. Still have that original Husky build quality.

The Husky FS2 was the next generation of MS DOS Huskys. Smaller, handheald & used one less battery, but still just as rugged & waterproof.

Holding both shits down & power for 5 seconds will force a hard reset, this is needed when you replace the batterys or leave the device sitting around without batterys in. Otherwise they don't boot.

The Much improved MS DOS husky with a far more powerful CPU in it from 1998, the Intel i386 EX for embedded systems.

Holding both shits down & power for 5 seconds will force a hard reset, this is needed when you replace the batterys or leave the device sitting around without batterys in. Otherwise they don't boot.

Basicly a cost reduced Husky FS3, has the same basic hardware but with some cut backs, common the main Husky models to have some spinoffs.

Holding both shits down & power for 5 seconds will force a hard reset, this is needed when you replace the batterys or leave the device sitting around without batterys in. Otherwise they don't boot.