Husky FS2

The Husky FS2, seems to have been relsed in 1995 & was the predisesor to the Husky FS3. Pretty much uses the same chipset & internal as a Husky Hunter 16, although with the higher resolution screen is closer to a Husky Hunter 16/80. The main CPU is a D70325GJ-10 running at 8MHz & is basicly a 8086. It is pretty much a early sytem on a chip: Datasheet. There is a custom chip of C8300-1300 that is Husky branded so sweet FA exsists on what that does. The husky runs on anywere from 1MB (Built In) - 4MB of RAM (External), upto 1MB FLASH momory stroage. It uses MS DOS v3.3, the same as I run on my IBM 5150. Like the FS3, the I/O is completly customisable so the users need.

The front of the Husky FS2, the unit consists of two PCB's, the FLASH memory board & the motherboard. As you can see the PCB from this angle is mooning us.

The front of the motherboard has all the main componets, intrestingly houses the same arcitecture as the Husky 16. The D70325GJ-10 is the main interface & for all the I/O & RAM interface & is the main CPU, RAM is also on this side, 8 chips. The CPU speck is esentaly an low power 8086 running as 8MHz. So an entialy 16-bit machine.

The FLASH moemory board hoses upto about 1MB. The board contians the FLASH chips & the acosiated control & Driver components. Plugs into the from of the motherboard.

The FS3 opened, you can see all the power, battey & I/O components of the machine. The battery tube is slightly to large for AA batterys, so there was a tube you could use to hold them.

The Husky FS2 splash screen, press any key to boot into MS DOS.

Husky FS2 running MS DOS. No custom software installed on this one, but a bare boans MS DOS.