Mains Test Rig

So Delta has one of these he made himself. It is a pretty neat project as it allows him to play with more dangrus equipment safly. So I have started doing my own spin on it just with a few diffrences. One I am building it all self contained in a breaker box as it makes a nice platform. Two I am using RCDs to provide that little extra protection just in case something goes wrong, they can trigger the houses one though. Three everything so far is contructed with esily avalible stuff I can find in my junk boxes or round the house. So far the project has gone well. The control logic will be relay logic as that will work every time & not crash like a microcontroler would under un-ideal power conditions.

The mains side of the system all wired up. Pretty much the same as wireing a fuse board. Funny how they are still called fuse boards even though they use breakers these days.

Wired up & running. The use for RCDs (GFIDs) is a safty mesure to save my ass if I fuck up. The mains side of the system powered up & testing to see if everything works.